What is the date you began writing this memoir and the date when you completed the memoir? I started writing Book I – Initiation in March 2011 and completed it in February 2012.

Where did you do most of your writing for this memoir? And please describe in detail. The writing of the entire memoir series was done in my home in Maui, Hawaii. It was a full-time process. Seven days a week and approximately 6 – 8 hours per day of writing, editing, proofreading, etc.

What were your writing habits while writing this memoir- did you drink something as you wrote, listen to music, write in pen and paper, directly on laptop; specific time of day? The writing process was done on my desktop. I required complete concentration and focus, hence no exterior or interior noise interferences. I only emerge from my writing when called to lunch and dinner by my ever-supportive husband, Walter Bissett.

Mornings were my best hours of writing when my thoughts and remembrance of things past channels through without any interruptions.

Out of all the specific memories you write about in this memoir, which ONE MEMORY was the most emotional for you to write about? And can you share that specific excerpt with us here. The excerpt can be as short or as long as you prefer, and please provide page numbers or Chapter number as references. Perhaps the ONE MEMORY that is most vivid is my coming-of-age experience with my beloved Andy.
This experience is documented in Book I – Initiation,
Chapter Twenty-Eight
The Art of Seduction and Flirtation
“Love is a moral drunkenness; and, whilst it lasts, the shrew seems gentle, the tigress a dove, the flirt constant, and the fiend an angel.”
Charles William Day
The thrill of seduction is in the chase, rather than in the conquest. Those graced with an abundance of self-confidence seem particularly fond of being pursuers. Their strong self-belief increases the likelihood of their success. Eyes It is said that the eyes are the doorways to the soul. In order to titillate the soul, I had to learn the art of using my eyes. The first lesson in the Art of Seduction was to train my eyes to charm, drawing on divine charisma. The Look must be mesmerizing, drawing the beholder into fantasies about the sensual delights which are to come. Training my eyes to bewitch was an art. Dr. Andrew Henderson was a handsome man, approximately thirty-five years old, with a slight tint of grey in his otherwise fair head of hair. He was an extremely personable teacher; I generally felt secure, while in his presence. Professor Henderson initiated my 1st lesson in the Art of Seduction, by telling me to look into his eyes. I was embarrassed, nervous and shy. I felt vulnerable in the beginning and dared not look directly into Dr. Henderson’s eyes. He continued to entreat me, and I was finally able to stare into his lively, greyish blue eyes. I didn’t know what reaction I would receive from the eyes that looked back at me. I tried turning away. My professor kept turning my head towards him. He said, in a kind voice, “Young, don’t be afraid to look at me. I’m not going to devour you. I’m teaching you to make love with your eyes. So, young man, look at me adoringly. Speak to me with your eyes!” After several unsuccessful attempts, I was able to look directly at my teacher. My vulnerability dissipated as I followed his lead, learning to look into his mature eyes with confidence, staring at him unblinkingly. He said, “Put love into your heart, Young, and you will exude love.” Slowly, I injected love into my heart and sure enough, my blank stare transformed into looks of love. “Next, allow sensuality into your heart and you will transmit sensuality. The same is true of all thoughts and feelings you inject into your heart. Your inner feelings reflect outwardly, through your eyes,” continued Dr. Henderson. As courage began to build within me, I stared at my teacher with a sensual, seductive desire. I tried to duplicate ‘the look’ that Nikee gave me the night of my jealous fit back at Daltonbury Hall. I was beginning to understand the deeper meaning of ‘the eyes as windows into the soul.’ Practice makes perfect, and I became better and better at using my eyes to tempt, seduce and lure my beholder into my lair of forbidden sensuality. I could titillate with a glance. I could look demure and passive or fierce and lustful. By the end of my three months’ eye training with Dr. Andrew, I was great at the art of eye seduction.
One day during my training period with Dr. Henderson, he suggested I practice my Seductive Look, to learn if my diligent practice would pay off. I decided to give Andy a try, without his knowledge. Andy’s stare had always intimidated me; now it was time to turn the tables. I noticed Andy walking alone, down a passageway. Plucking up my courage, I followed him. He did not notice I was trailing behind. As he turned a corner into the courtyard, he noticed me, several paces back. Turning around, he smiled, and waited for me to catch up. As I walked towards him, he eyed me with his usual lustful, intimating stare, as if he saw me naked through my djellaba (our Bahriji school uniform.) Normally, I would have avoided looking into his eyes, afraid of being sexually aroused. Today was different. I returned his stare with unblinking eyes, and a smile on my face. Deep within, I was nervous as hell! My awareness of my new seductive power gave me the confidence to continue. Giving him my look of sensual desire, I began speaking to him without any dialogue. I used my eyes to titillate his libido. His eyes never left mine. Time seemed to dissolve. I was in complete concentration. I wanted to arouse him, as he aroused me at my E.R.O.S. Initiation Ceremony. Licking my lips lightly and fixing my gaze on his handsome face, I informed him of my sexual desire. I wanted all of him! When we finally embraced, he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist tightly. I thought I was being crushed. He didn’t release his hold; we continued looking into each other’s eyes. I didn’t pull away as I had in the past. When he leaned down to kiss me, I turned my head and leaned against his muscular chest. It was extremely tempting to return his kiss, but the point of my exercise was to seduce him and to leave him desirous. I left him pining for me. I thought of Dr. Andrew’s words, “Tease him! Make him wait! Have him imagine what delights are to come!” I could feel his already erect manhood beneath his thawb. He tried kissing me again. I gave him a peck on both cheeks and pulled away. It was difficult; we found each other incredibly irresistible. I kept reminding myself that I must win this round, conquer him and make him submit to me! I had practiced my newfound art; I made him long for me and I made him wait. We exchanged some pleasantries and I told him I had to run to meet Professor Henderson, as I was already late for class. Blowing him an air kiss, I ran, not daring to look back to see Andy’s reaction. I was afraid that if I did, I might turn around and head right back into his warm embrace. I reached Dr. Henderson’s office breathless; he asked me why the hurry. I told him I had just practiced my eye seduction on a ‘big brother’ and it had worked. He laughed and patted my back saying, “Well done, Young! You are a fast learner. We’ll have you located in a Household sooner than expected.”
Click on the link below to purchase A Harem Boy’s Saga – Book I – Initiation, A Memoir
Can you describe the emotional process of writing about this ONE MEMORY? This was indeed an emotional process because this was the first time, I approached somebody that I had a strong sexual attraction to. It was also the first for me to flirt with a person I felt intimated. It was a learning curve I had not experience in my young life until then. I had to go out of my comfort zone to grow as a person. To be unafraid to bridge the gap to speak and talk to people I am unnerved by. This experience served me well and it remained itched in my memory forever.

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