TOP: Full Jacket Cover of CHICKEN CROSSING. MIDDLE: Kristen Joy Wilks with Gwen and Drizzit. April of 2022. BOTTOM: Gwen and Drizzit. Copyright by Kristen Joy Wilks. The adult novel Chicken Crossing, which is a companion to Kristen Joy Wilks’ children’s book Dandelion Floofums, is one book loaded in every conflict possible: spiritual love and…… Continue reading ART & HUMANITY FRAMED IN THE PHOTOFEATURE STORY: Analysis of CHICKEN CROSSING by Kristen Joy Wilks. “From a Goat to a Found Sheep”
Category: Art and Humanity Framed in the Photofeature Story
#374 Backstory of the Poem “How To Act” by Kathleen Rooney
RIGHT: Kathleen Rooney In April of 2022 Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? In April of 2020, I had the good fortune to be a part of a National Poetry Month poem-a-day group organized by Kimberly…… Continue reading #374 Backstory of the Poem “How To Act” by Kathleen Rooney
#373 Backstory of the Poem “Why Honey Matters” from her poetry collection A Sky Full Of Wings” by Ksenia Rychtycka
MIDDLE: Ksenia Rychtycka on the Potemkin steps in Odesa Ukraine. 1990. Copyright by Ksenia Rychtycka Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? “Why Honey Matters” first came to mind after an odd experience I had about 18…… Continue reading #373 Backstory of the Poem “Why Honey Matters” from her poetry collection A Sky Full Of Wings” by Ksenia Rychtycka
#372 BACKSTORY OF THE POEM “Duffel Pantoum” by Denise Duhamel.
From LEFT to RIGHT: Denise Duhamel; Susana H. Case, and Margo Taft Stever Gladys holding baby Marilyn Monroe with a bag on her shoulder. Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? Yes! When I read about Marilyn…… Continue reading #372 BACKSTORY OF THE POEM “Duffel Pantoum” by Denise Duhamel.
#010 The Fascination of One Fact in Nonfiction “Liberty Brought Us Here: The True Story of American Slaves Who Migrated to Liberia” (University Press of Kentucky, 2020) by Susan E. Lindsey
What made you decide to write this nonfiction work? Several years ago, I stumbled across the tale of Ben Major and the enslaved people he had freed for migration to Liberia. I was stunned to learn that they had corresponded across the Atlantic Ocean for years, and—even more astonishing—that their letters from Africa still existed.…… Continue reading #010 The Fascination of One Fact in Nonfiction “Liberty Brought Us Here: The True Story of American Slaves Who Migrated to Liberia” (University Press of Kentucky, 2020) by Susan E. Lindsey
Art & Humanity Framed in the PhotoFeature Story: Guest Blog Post by Baron Wormser. “THE MYTHOS OF THE GUN”
THE MYTHOS OF THE GUN by Baron Wormer was previously published by Vox Populi Baron Wormser at a workshop in Quechee, Vermont. October 30, 2021. Copyright by. Baron Wormser. I was sitting at Roger’s kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee and talking about the school where we worked, how the principal was enamored…… Continue reading Art & Humanity Framed in the PhotoFeature Story: Guest Blog Post by Baron Wormser. “THE MYTHOS OF THE GUN”
#311 Inside the Emotion of Fiction THE APOSTLE’S SISTER by Angela Hunt.
What is the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you completely finished the piece of fiction?I began the book on April 8, 2021 and finished on August 30, 2021. Click on the below link to hear Angela’s speech “How To Tighten Your Writing” Where did you do most…… Continue reading #311 Inside the Emotion of Fiction THE APOSTLE’S SISTER by Angela Hunt.
What is the date you began writing this memoir and the date when you completed the memoir? I began December 4, 2020 and I published and completed the work on February 23rd, 2022. Where did you do most of your writing for this memoir? And please describe in detail. I wrote mostly in my office…… Continue reading #51 THE MAGNIFICATION OF ONE MEMORY IN MEMOIR “ELDER – A MEMOIR” by Joshua Pressley
Art & Humanity Framed in the PhotoFeature Story’s analysis on THUNDER IN THE SOUL: TO BE KNOWN BY GOD by Abraham Joshua Heschel “The Wonder of It All”
“All the days of our lives we must continue to deepen our sense of mystery in order to be worthy of attaining faith.” Page 29 “What we lack is not a will to believe but a will to wonder.” Page 57 TOP: Abraham Joshua Heschel presenting the JUDAISM AND WORL PEACE AWARD to Dr. Martin…… Continue reading Art & Humanity Framed in the PhotoFeature Story’s analysis on THUNDER IN THE SOUL: TO BE KNOWN BY GOD by Abraham Joshua Heschel “The Wonder of It All”
#310 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION Short Flash Fiction story “Tea Kettles” from her flash fiction short story collection THEY KETP RUNNING by Michelle Ross.
LEFT: Michelle Ross in March of 2022. Copyright by Michelle Ross. Name of fiction work? And were there other names you considered that you would like to share with us? THEY KEPT RUNNING is the title of my new book, a collection of 57 flash fiction stories. I don’t recall considering any other titles. The…… Continue reading #310 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION Short Flash Fiction story “Tea Kettles” from her flash fiction short story collection THEY KETP RUNNING by Michelle Ross.
What is the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you completely finished the piece of fiction? I started writing Never Coming Home in August of 2020 and handed the manuscript to my editor (Emily Ohanjanians) in January 2021. We then went through a couple of rounds of edits before…… Continue reading #309 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION “NEVER COMING HOME” by Hannah Mary McKinnon
#308 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION: the shorty story “Tending the Elephant” from her short story collection The Clarity of Hunger by Cheryl Pappas.
MIDDLE: Cheryl Pappas in March of 2022. Copyright by Cheryl Pappas. What is the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you completely finished the piece of fiction? I began writing “Tending the Elephant” in September 2020, and I finished it by November 2020. Cheryl Pappas in 2020. Copyright by…… Continue reading #308 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION: the shorty story “Tending the Elephant” from her short story collection The Clarity of Hunger by Cheryl Pappas.
THE MAGNIFICATION OF ONE MEMORY IN MEMOIR A Harem Boy’s Saga – Book I – Initiation, A Memoir by Young
What is the date you began writing this memoir and the date when you completed the memoir? I started writing Book I – Initiation in March 2011 and completed it in February 2012. LEFT: Young in 2011. RIGHT: Young in 2012. Copyright by Young. Where did you do most of your writing for this memoir? …… Continue reading THE MAGNIFICATION OF ONE MEMORY IN MEMOIR A Harem Boy’s Saga – Book I – Initiation, A Memoir by Young
#371 Backstory of the Poem “After the Pulse Massacre” by Joseph Mills
Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? I worked on this poem for years. In writing poetry, I initially draft out ideas in a notebook. Then I transfer those to a computer where I do revisions, print…… Continue reading #371 Backstory of the Poem “After the Pulse Massacre” by Joseph Mills
#009 The Fascination of One Fact in Non-fiction “River of Darkness: Francisco Orellana and the Deadly First Voyage Through the Amazon” by Buddy Levy
RIGHT: Buddy Levy reading Discovery of the Amazon River by Friar Gaspar Carvajal, who was on the trip with Francisco Orellana and recorded everything they witnessed and encountered. What made you decide to write this non-fiction work? I came across the story of Francisco Orellana’s first voyage while I was researching and writing another book…… Continue reading #009 The Fascination of One Fact in Non-fiction “River of Darkness: Francisco Orellana and the Deadly First Voyage Through the Amazon” by Buddy Levy
Art & Humanity Framed In the PhotoFeature Story’s Scripted Interview with Brooke Camacho, T-Shirt Extraordinaire and Founder of CuTee Boutique.
Brooke Camacho founder of CuTee Boutique. Copyright by Brooke Camacho. How did it come about that you started your own business CuTee Boutique? Summer of last year I purchased my Cricut machine in hopes of making a few fun projects for my husband’s high school classroom and make some fun T-shirts for myself. One of…… Continue reading Art & Humanity Framed In the PhotoFeature Story’s Scripted Interview with Brooke Camacho, T-Shirt Extraordinaire and Founder of CuTee Boutique.
#370 Backstory of the Poem “The Foot of Mary Magdalene” by Jeffrey Thomson
Jeffrey with his son Julian. Copyright by Jeffrey Thomson. Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? This is the first poem in the book and the first poem I wrote for this project. (That is not usually…… Continue reading #370 Backstory of the Poem “The Foot of Mary Magdalene” by Jeffrey Thomson
#307 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION: Short Story “Ishq” from the short story collection MIDNIGHT DOORWAYS: FABLES FROM PAKISTAN by Usman T. Malik
What is the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you completely finished the piece of fiction? I have been writing short fiction for nearly a decade now. My debut collection MIDNIGHT DOORWAYS: FABLES FROM PAKISTAN is a selection of stories published between 2013 and 2021. The book was released…… Continue reading #307 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION: Short Story “Ishq” from the short story collection MIDNIGHT DOORWAYS: FABLES FROM PAKISTAN by Usman T. Malik
#49 The Magnification of One Memory in Memoir: the short story “A Day at the Park” from the memoir short story collection NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS EASY AND HERE IS WHY Mari Stein.
MIDDLE: Mari Stein In May of 2021. Copyright by Mari Stein. Mari Stein in April of 2009. Copyright by Mari Stein. What is the date you began writing this memoir and the date when you completed the memoir? I started writing about twenty five years ago. In 2009 i started writing seriously. I joined a…… Continue reading #49 The Magnification of One Memory in Memoir: the short story “A Day at the Park” from the memoir short story collection NOTHING ABOUT THIS IS EASY AND HERE IS WHY Mari Stein.
#369 BACKSTORY OF THE POEM “Before: Unprodigal” by Edie Meidav
Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? After a divorce, I had the good fortune of remeeting a friend I’d known for some twelve years. We began a relationship that taught me that it was possible to…… Continue reading #369 BACKSTORY OF THE POEM “Before: Unprodigal” by Edie Meidav
#368 Backstory of the Poem “Mask” by Stacy Nigliazzo
Stacy Nigliazzo in March of 2020 Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? I am nurse and I wrote this poem in March of 2020, a few days after the Covid pandemic was officially declared by the…… Continue reading #368 Backstory of the Poem “Mask” by Stacy Nigliazzo
#306 Inside the Emotion of Fiction “ACTS OF LOVE AND WAR” by Maggie Brookes. Kindle available in May of 2022; Hardback in the United Kingdom available on June 7, 2022; Hardback in North America available on August 23, 2022.
MIDDLE: Maggie Brookes in May of 2022 What is the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you completely finished the piece of fiction? I can be unusually precise about this! Acts of Love and War had its genesis on the 23rd January 2020, and the final proof-read was signed…… Continue reading #306 Inside the Emotion of Fiction “ACTS OF LOVE AND WAR” by Maggie Brookes. Kindle available in May of 2022; Hardback in the United Kingdom available on June 7, 2022; Hardback in North America available on August 23, 2022.
#367 Backstory of the Poem “Sable” by Allan Johnston
Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? “Sable” is a long poem written in the voice of Phillis Wheatley. Click on the below link to read about Phillis Wheatley In 1995 I taught a class in…… Continue reading #367 Backstory of the Poem “Sable” by Allan Johnston
#305 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION “Broken-Down Heroes of the Western Night’ by Stephen Kozeniewski
What is the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you completely finished the piece of fiction? I know this shockingly exactly. I started it on February 21, 2013 (LEFT), reached 50,000 words on May 6, 2013 (RIGHT), and finished it a little later that summer. I don’t actually keep…… Continue reading #305 INSIDE THE EMOTION OF FICTION “Broken-Down Heroes of the Western Night’ by Stephen Kozeniewski
#48 The Magnification of One Memory In Memoir AN INNOCENT GIRL by Christine Temlett
What is the date you began writing this memoir and the date when you completed the memoir? I began writing my memoir ‘An Innocent Girl’ in January 2010 and completed it June 2020. My husband and I were fostering teenage boys at the time so I fitted in writing when I was able. Where did…… Continue reading #48 The Magnification of One Memory In Memoir AN INNOCENT GIRL by Christine Temlett