Contrary to popular belief, I am not a preacher’s daughter. And contrary to popular belief, I didn’t talk Steve into going to church or becoming a born-again Christian near the end of his life. That was a decision he made all on his own. Despite his worldwide fame and that he financially never wanted for anything, a…… Continue reading Guest Blogger – Barbara Minty McQueen In Memoriam: “Steve McQueen’s Christian Walk” March 24, 1930 – November 7, 1980
Author: admin
CARC Feature on Dr. Nancy Pineda-Madrid and her spiritual book on the Ciudad-Juarez Feminicide SUFFERING + SALVATION IN CIUDAD JUAREZ “Daughters of Lost Trinities”
“It is critical that we understand salvation in a social way; If not we are distorting salvation. We need to look at salvation in both personal and social terms. To focus only on the salvation of the individual is not the complete salvation.” Dr Nancy Pineda-Madrid When Dr. Nancy Pineda-Madrid, Assistant Professor of Theology and the U.S.…… Continue reading CARC Feature on Dr. Nancy Pineda-Madrid and her spiritual book on the Ciudad-Juarez Feminicide SUFFERING + SALVATION IN CIUDAD JUAREZ “Daughters of Lost Trinities”
Feature on Poet Demetrice Anntia Worley and her poetry collection TONGUES IN MY MOUTH. “EVERY TONGUE MATTERS”
“I came to believe that my words might perhaps help other people (readers) understand that they were not alone in how they felt about life. And, perhaps, someone would find a reason to choose to find joy in her life because of something I wrote.” –Demetrice Worley Demetrice Anntia Worley in 2011. Credit Rachel Eliza…… Continue reading Feature on Poet Demetrice Anntia Worley and her poetry collection TONGUES IN MY MOUTH. “EVERY TONGUE MATTERS”
CARC Web Site Feature on Karen Odden’s historical mystery novel “A Trace of Deceit” “The Journeys of Annabel Rowe”
It is 1875 and Annabel Rowe and her older brother Edwin share more than DNA and brotherly love but the love and need to paint. There is also discord between the two siblings- Edwin has a history of not paying his debts and gambling. He also has a history of deceiving other people, mainly art…… Continue reading CARC Web Site Feature on Karen Odden’s historical mystery novel “A Trace of Deceit” “The Journeys of Annabel Rowe”
Scripted Interview With Poet Robert “Ransom” Cole and His poem “Facts About the Body of Franklin Roosevelt”
Left: Robert Ransom Cole. Copyright by Robert Ransom Cole What is your first memory of writing poetry? I didn’t write poetry until I was in college. I kind of hated poetry for a long time. I had a really awesome Creative Writing teacher at Alabama who got me into it. She was fantastic: Molly Brayman.…… Continue reading Scripted Interview With Poet Robert “Ransom” Cole and His poem “Facts About the Body of Franklin Roosevelt”
History Writer Rickey Butch Walker’s hero Doublehead “He was sort of a hero of mine and he was in my local and family history. Doublehead’s uncle was in my family lineage; I was not directly kin to Doublehead, but I was kin to his ancestors.” Walker researched every aspect of Doublehead’s life by making a copy of every single paper,…… Continue reading History Writer Rickey Butch Walker’s hero Doublehead
The ability to choose the correct meaning Of an action appropriate to a particular social situation That arises out of dependency on the observer’s observer’s Perception and the provisional Sundays of those With whom the observer interacts Exemplifies a functioning memory Excerpt from WABAC MACHINE page 11 What poem from this collection did you write…… Continue reading SCRIPTED INTERVIEW: MARTINE BELLEN’S WABAC MACHINE
#008 The Magnification of One Memory In Memoir: Vivian Conan’s “Losing the Atmosphere, A Memoir: A Baffling Disorder, a Search for Help, and the Therapist Who Understood”
Name of memoir? And were there other names you considered that you would like to share with us? I knew from the beginning that Losing the Atmosphere, A Memoir: A Baffling Disorder, a Search for Help, and the Therapist Who Understoodwould be the title. The most difficult thing I have ever done was letting go…… Continue reading #008 The Magnification of One Memory In Memoir: Vivian Conan’s “Losing the Atmosphere, A Memoir: A Baffling Disorder, a Search for Help, and the Therapist Who Understood”
#297 Backstory of the Poem: Alexis Rhone Fancher’s “I Was Hovering Just Below the Ceiling, Contemplating My Death”
Middle: Alexis Rhone Fancher out for a spin. June of 2021. Credit and Copyright by Alexis Rhone Fancher Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? I’ve wanted to write this poem for decades, but could not find the…… Continue reading #297 Backstory of the Poem: Alexis Rhone Fancher’s “I Was Hovering Just Below the Ceiling, Contemplating My Death”
“A Worse Hunger”
“For one who reads there is no limit to the number of lives that may be lived, for fiction, biography, and history offer an inexhaustible number of lives in many parts of the world, in all periods of time.” Louis L’Amour “I have read many books by many lights, hoarding their beauty, their wit or…… Continue reading “A Worse Hunger”
#296 Backstory of the Poem: Vineetha Mekkoth’s “Ashtavakra”
Vineetha Mekkoth in August of 2020. Copyright by Vineetha Mekkoth. Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? The poem I am discussing today is titled ‘Ashtavakra’. I wrote this poem in 2010. That morning I had read…… Continue reading #296 Backstory of the Poem: Vineetha Mekkoth’s “Ashtavakra”
#246 Inside the Emotion of Fiction: T.D. Johnston’s short story “Ode To Cubby” from his short story collection WEEDING FOR EISENHOWER
Name of fiction work? And were there other names you considered that you would like to share with us? Weeding for Eisenhower: Stories (I considered no other titles, and this story was very popular in the magazine which originally published it. It’s an eclectic collection, not linked or a “cycle”, so I went with a…… Continue reading #246 Inside the Emotion of Fiction: T.D. Johnston’s short story “Ode To Cubby” from his short story collection WEEDING FOR EISENHOWER
#295 Backstory of the Poem: Kathie Giorgio’s “SEX AFTER BREAST CANCER”
#295 Backstory of the Poem: Kathie Giorgio’s “SEX AFTER BREAST CANCER” Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? In June of 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I had a partial mastectomy, 20 rounds of radiation,…… Continue reading #295 Backstory of the Poem: Kathie Giorgio’s “SEX AFTER BREAST CANCER”
Feature on Dr. Allison Joseph: THE SUCCINCT POET
“I like succinct titles.” Dr. Allison Joseph’s response when asked why she christened her second chapbook collection Trace Particles. In March of 2014 Dr. Allison Joseph received a welcoming phone call from RHINO editor Ralph Hamilton. RHINO Editor Ralph Hamilton Hamilton informed her via the phone that she was the recipient of the Paladin…… Continue reading Feature on Dr. Allison Joseph: THE SUCCINCT POET
Life Framed By The Arts: Painter, Artist, Teacher, Workshop Leader, and Poet Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda
Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda is a multi-artist in every possible genre: painter, sculptor, poet, and teacher. She has won numerous awards, grants, and nominations for her work in the arts and teaching, some of which include: five grants from the Virginia Commission for the Arts, six Pushcart Prize nominations; multiple awards in Pen Women competitions; the Fairfax…… Continue reading Life Framed By The Arts: Painter, Artist, Teacher, Workshop Leader, and Poet Carolyn Kreiter-Foronda
#294 Backstory of the Poem: Kristi Carter’s “Translation of Internal Mappa Mundi”
Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? I wrote this poem during my MFA so it is about a decade old. Though I can’t remember everything about the drafting, I do distinctly remember the poem existing before…… Continue reading #294 Backstory of the Poem: Kristi Carter’s “Translation of Internal Mappa Mundi”
#293 Backstory of the Poem: Meg Kearney’s “Crow”
Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? While the title of my new book is All Morning the Crows, the collection features 51 poems each with the name of a different bird—crows is just one of many.…… Continue reading #293 Backstory of the Poem: Meg Kearney’s “Crow”
#292 Backstory of the Poem: Katherine E. Young’s “Salt”
Can you go through the step-by-step process of writing this poem from the moment the idea was first conceived in your brain until final form? “Salt” came easily—so easily that I have very little memory of how it turned into a poem! But its roots lie in the fairy tale “The Dirty Shepherdess” by Paul…… Continue reading #292 Backstory of the Poem: Katherine E. Young’s “Salt”
#245 Inside The Emotion of Fiction: Rebecca Copeland’s THE KIMONO TATTOO
Name of fiction work? And were there other names you considered that you would like to share with us? The Kimono Tattoo. My first title was Killer in the Fold. The “fold” was to suggest the “seam” or the underside of the fabric described in the story. But, what would this title convey to readers?…… Continue reading #245 Inside The Emotion of Fiction: Rebecca Copeland’s THE KIMONO TATTOO
#244 Inside the Emotion of Fiction: Tony J. Forder’s THE AUTUMN TREE
Middle: Tony J Forder in May of 2021. Facebook Logo Photo. Name of fiction work? And were there other names you considered that you would like to share with us? The book is called The Autumn Tree. My working title was Dark Desires, but when I searched Amazon I saw a few books with that…… Continue reading #244 Inside the Emotion of Fiction: Tony J. Forder’s THE AUTUMN TREE
Five Facets of Fatherhood By Guest Writer Steve Wickham
When a young man or not-so-young man learns he’s going to be a father for the first time, a transition commences, the product of which comes to some point of completion the moment his firstborn baby gasps its virgin breath. Suddenly things begin to change; the concept of responsibility is borne on the mind, and…… Continue reading Five Facets of Fatherhood By Guest Writer Steve Wickham
Shirlee Elaine Busbee, born in San Jose, California in August 9, 1941, was the eldest of five children of a naval officer. Her childhood was happy and could be summed up in the form of her first memory: her mother, grandmother, and aunt placing the three year old on the kitchen table and singing You…… Continue reading ROMANCE NOVELIST SHIRLEE BUSBEE A QUICK SUMMARY OF A ROMANTIC LIFE
Scripted Interview: J. Michael Dew on Gadly Plain.
Spurge allowed himself to smile some with the two other men. “No kid wants to hear about God and His mysterious ways. They haven’t the patience nor the ability. My friend, Albert, was seven like I was. He died in his mother’s arms on the way to the hospital. Aneurysm, I think it was. Poor…… Continue reading Scripted Interview: J. Michael Dew on Gadly Plain.
Behind The Eyes of God’s Hungry Poet.
“My mother seems more excited about this book than most of my books. I think not only because I dedicated this book to her but also she always felt that I wouldn’t stick it out. I think after five books it suddenly dawns on her this isn’t a passing thing. I’m in it for life. …… Continue reading Behind The Eyes of God’s Hungry Poet.
#243 Inside the Emotion of Fiction: Dana Michelle’s PROTECT
Middle Photo: Dana Michelle at her writing desk. Coyright by Dana Michelle. Name of fiction work? And were there other names you considered that you would like to share with us?The name of my book is Protect. It is the first in my Gibson Guardians series. I knew that I wanted the title to represent…… Continue reading #243 Inside the Emotion of Fiction: Dana Michelle’s PROTECT