#030 The Magnification of One Memory in Memoir: UNFORGIVING PAIN by Mary A. Hilson.

What is the date you began writing this memoir and the date when you completed the memoir?
I began working on my memoir in March of 2020 and completed it in August 2021. Unforgiving Pain is book one of four. (Three other books will be released one at a time.)

Where did you do most of your writing for this memoir?  And please describe in detail. I completed most of my writing at my kitchen table which is one of my favorite places in my home. I have a huge window that allows me to view outside should I need a moment of reflection.

credit and copyright by Mary A. Hilson.

What were your writing habits while writing this memoir- did you drink something as you wrote, listen to music, write in pen and paper, directly on laptop; specific time of day? While writing I always had a cup of my favorite flavored coffee (mocha) and kept the television on a low volume so I could hear something. Silence doesn’t seem to help me with writing. I completed my book on my laptop.

Out of all the specific memories you write about in this memoir, which ONE MEMORY was the most emotional for you to write about? And can you share that specific excerpt with us here.  The excerpt can be as short or as long as you prefer, and please provide page numbers as reference. The most difficult chapter for me to write about was the last chapter (Chapter 18). The book ends when I am on way back to Ohio after being forced to leave my newborn son at the hospital. He was placed for adoption with out my consent. 

Click to order UNFORGIVING PAIN from Amazon

Can you describe the emotional process of writing about this ONE MEMORY? I was able to complete the chapter by crying through the pain. It’s important to me that the reader is able to visualize and feel the emotion that I felt when going through.

Were there any deletions from this excerpt that you can share with us? There weren’t any deletions but there was editing.

Click to order UNFORGIVING PAIN from Halo Publishinghttps://shop.aer.io/Halo_Publishing_Bookstore/p/Unforgiving_Pain/9781637651704-2043

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