What is the date you began writing this memoir and the date when you completed the memoir? I started writing my first memoir in 2014, but at the time, I never dreamed I’d be writing a full book. It started out as more of a way to document some of my adventures and to help me through a rough time in my life. Not only did I end a 23-year marriage, but I lost my job, and my mom died. The future looked so bleak that I preferred to live in the past.
Click on the link below to order Linda Strader’s memoir SUMMERS OF FIRE: A MEMOIR OF ADVENTURE, LOVE, AND COURAGE from Bedazzled Ink Publishing
The first draft was 90 pages. Friends thought I should add more. And I did. Nearly 300 pages more. Now came the editing. Lots and lots of editing. About then, I lucked out and made a new friend, Joanne a retired English teacher. She worked with me at no charge, simply because she wanted to and believed in my story.
As for completion, I thought it was done in 2016. I wanted to publish traditionally, so began querying literary agents. I knew querying would be a long road, but I felt ready. Then the rejections came in. Lots of them! Occasionally, though, an agent would give me feedback. Valuable feedback. I had work to do. I continued to perfect my story until late 2017, when I finally landed a book deal with a small press.

Where did you do most of your writing for this memoir? And please describe in detail. I did all of my writing on my home computer in my office, but once in a while I would think of something away from home that I wanted to add. I started carrying a pen and a small notebook or squares of paper in my pocket all the time…even while hiking in the mountains. I had paper and pen bedside, too, because I would often wake up in the middle of the night with a great idea. If didn’t write it down, for sure I’d forget in the morning. The one place I couldn’t keep a pen and paper handy was while swimming laps in my pool. In those cases, I just had to hope I’d remember once I got out!

What were your writing habits while writing this memoir- did you drink something as you wrote, listen to music, write in pen and paper, directly on laptop; specific time of day?
I wrote almost exclusively on my computer, except for what I mentioned in question 2. I need dead quiet! I can’t think if there is anything going on, so no music, TV, nothing but silence. Because I’m self-employed, I wrote when I had time. That said, early morning with maybe coffee or tea was the best for editing. Late in the day, with maybe a glass of wine, was when I did my creative writing, letting thoughts flow, and trying not to edit as I wrote (a killer for creativity).

Out of all the specific memories you write about in this memoir, which ONE MEMORY was the most emotional for you to write about? And can you share that specific excerpt with us here. The excerpt can be as short or as long as you prefer, and please provide page numbers as reference. It’s hard to pick just one because there were many tough sections to write about. However, I’ll say this one probably made me choke up more often than most:

“Someone asked me not too long ago if I missed firefighting. I’m not sure why I said “no,” because as soon as they walked away, I thought, of course I do. My time as a firefighter will always be an important part of who I am. I still feel the nostalgia for the camaraderie, the excitement, the glamour, the hard work—all of it. I love to tell fire stories to anyone who will listen.
On the news, I hear that another wildfire rages out of control—over a hundred thousand acres. Fires get too much bigger now. Glued to the screen, I can’t look away. I hear that voice, feel that twinge, that says—I want to go.”
Summers of Fire: A Memoir of Adventure, Love, and Courage, page 242.
Click to order Summers of Fire: A Memoir of Adventure, Love, and Courage from Amazon
Can you describe the emotional process of writing about this ONE MEMORY? Writing about the end of the career I wanted more than anything was tough. I cried a lot. I struggled with the right way to say what I wanted to say, without making it sound like I was whining. I also didn’t want to sound bitter. People asked me if writing my memoir was cathartic. Tough question. For many years, I didn’t think so. Now, though, I think maybe it was after all. I had a career that few women have ever thought about, much less had, and in fact one that not too many people have done, period! I am able to let go of some of the pain now.

Were there any deletions from this excerpt that you can share with us? No deletions…I wrote this section one day and didn’t change a single word.
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