Right: sketch THE WOMAN IN ROOM 519. Credit and Copyright by Christal Ann Rice Cooper
Where were you when you started to actually write the poem? And please describe the place in great detail. This poem came to me first a few weeks ago (June of 2021) when I was sitting in the 5th floor commons room, a room with 6 couches, several armchairs, a dining table with chairs, and a television set. I was staring out one of the 15 full-length windows and espied several of the Finches and then some gulls, all flying much more freely than I had hopes to ever travel again.

What do you want readers of this poem to take from this poem? I have tried to show in this poem some freedom from the vision I was presented with, one that no man on this Earth can any longer hope to be free or, perhaps, ever was. That is especially Mary Barnet Schiff in NJ, USA where I am tied to a 4-hour medication schedule and unable to really leave this building for much longer than that 4 or 4 ½ hour period of time. I wanted to deny in particular my twin vision through this poem and thus escape this new reality not merely of constantly returning pain and discomfort but especially turn away from this human imprisonment that my age and disabilities have caused.
This poem is a new way of saying : “If I refuse to see for a while perhaps this newly emerged Reality will not cause that Twin Vision, that tremendous emotional pain that occurs when I realize ‘They’ may perhaps never allow me to travel again, or perhaps even spend a night away from Room 519!??? Like many of the sick and especially the elderly, I find myself in a constant struggle to defeat the ever-expanding limitations the State is placing on our freedom.”

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