What is the date you began writing this piece of fiction and the date when you completely finished the piece of fiction?
I had the idea for The Traveler’s Best Seller in 2016 and began my research. The Traveler’s Best Seller is a fiction story based on an average Joe History teacher traveling back in time to meet his historical hero’s. Much research was required. In late 2017 I started to write. I wrote the words THE END with a big smile on 5/30 2018 . . . and then the hard work began.
Where did you do most of your writing for this fiction work? And please describe in detail. And can you please include a photo? My home office is set up with a nice double monitor. My story is always up on one monitor. I use monitor # 2 to look up details on the internet if needed. I can search Google Earth or pull up a photo to help me describe a scene. The room is full of Abstract artwork that sparks creativity and inspires me. A big window faces the front yard but the shades are pulled down 80% to keep me from being distracted by dog walkers and joggers. I have a hotplate to keep my coffee nice and hot. I keep a messy desk. My filing system is date based. The further back something happened, the deeper you have to dig through the pile of papers on the desk.
What were your writing habits while writing this work- did you drink something as you wrote, listen to music, write in pen and paper, directly on laptop; specific time of day? Can’t remember where I heard this acronym BITCH OK but it stands for Butt In The Chair, Hands On Keyboard.
I like to remind myself that writing is a pleasure, not a chore. I write at home, in my office. I always greet my chair as if a good friend. “Hello writing chair. Is this a good time? I have some great ideas that I would like to run past you.” I try to anticipate my needs for the next two hours. Use the bathroom, get a fresh cup of coffee, close the door to distractions or put on some mood-appropriate music. I quickly decide on the area of the book that I want to develop and just let it flow. I don’t look back, I don’t get up. I write whatever comes to mind. Editing will later. I don’t even worry about spelling.
Please include just one excerpt and include page numbers as reference. This one excerpt can be as short or as long as you prefer.
I scanned the packed stadium. First I took in the seats in front of me. Everyone was on their feet, clapping and waving their hands. Then I scanned across the expansive nose bleed section. I had to shield my eyes from the bright stage lights. I hadn’t done a thing yet. Not a word, just walked out on stage. But there they were, twenty-five thousand people on their feet, looking at me, waiting for me to tell my story. After all, who can say they rode side by side in battle with George Washington, or played for kings and queens alongside Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. My stories grew larger with every travel. The students loved my new passion for history. The faculty thought I was out of my mind. The FBI knew I was in over my head.
This whole thing was like a wild roller coaster ride. In my wildest dreams I couldn’t have imagined the turn of events that brought me here. It actually did start out as a dream. The kind of dream that wakes you up. And I don’t mean just from sleeping, I mean the kind of dream that wakes you up spiritually.
After all, I’m just the history teacher at a moderately-sized high school outside of Cleveland, Ohio. I never imagined people would want to hear my story, and certainly never expected to change the world for future generations. I certainly never imagined that I’d end up in a history book.
Why is this excerpt so emotional for you as a writer to write? And can you describe your own emotional experience of writing this specific excerpt? This was my vision. A blurry vision at best. I wrote these lines well before the book had unfolded itself to me. It all started with these few paragraphs.
Were there any deletions from this excerpt that you can share with us? And can you please include a photo of your marked up rough drafts of this excerpt.
As one of nine children growing up in the 70’s, Rick Incorvia was surrounded by a cast of characters where controlled chaos was the status quo. He felt that if he didn’t create his own identity, he would get lost in the crowd. Admittedly, he was a bit of a troublemaker and sometimes liked being lost in the crowd, or at least unaccounted for. If he wasn’t scheming a plot to prank a sibling, he was imagining himself as 007 or an Ocean’s Eleven participant. His brothers and sisters say his favorite line is …”just imagine.”
Rick is a born storyteller. Book number five, The Traveler’s Best Seller, reflects his boundless creativity as he introduces historical characters in real-life situations. He takes you on exciting adventures in dreamlike fantasies with intoxicating detail. Rick’s ability to “keep it real” and yet take readers to the edge, has thrilled his cult following.
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